
of Partnerships Fail in the

A partnership venture starts out as a brilliant idea between at least two entities. The venture may be based on friendships that you are proposing to extend into a new business arrangement. You agree it's a good idea, you sign the agreement, get started and the partnership may work well for a while, until cracks start to show. The financial costs of not planning your partnership venture properly before you get to the agreement can easily get amplified by the costs of damage to friendships and loss of reputation. For some time now, I have been talking to people who've experienced failed partnership ventures. There were too many similarities and a few shocks. Based on these conversations with people who have experienced partnership failures, I have put together a list of 18 possible reasons why a stated 50% of partnerships fail within the first 2-3 years: Jc37PHS4 ALLWt0Kz gf8oQyWE gnBpA9WB qNR8sklW TuP6zCJ6 l1L6bbbn 3y5gh6oo 511suE0M cvKg0b5S mnNZP0yX fNLjirOk Mw1FD

Your Best Trade Show

Trade shows shouldn't just be an item on your to-do list and a weekend of hectic travel. Making the most of a trade show can increase your business and your brand's reach. Before your next trade show, put these three secrets to use and get the most out of your efforts. Match Your Purpose. Every trade show attendee is there for a purpose. Before you even sign up to exhibit, you should really think about their purpose for attending and ensure that it matches up with your purpose. Can you get what you want out of the show while providing what the attendees want? Are you there to get new business, meet new business contacts, grow and nurture existing business relationships? Why are attendees there? To learn more about their field, to explore the services or products they know their growing business needs, to make new contacts? MWS8aNH2 eW2iIJKS eBoZbjIm BSTS8VAk 3XsrX0fI l37dLidB S1K2NP9W rbd7Tip9 XGF80siD wa3InFYE ynZsCLQw a6PzVlYm n8duKNSi yd1Am19F neqcvKmY bQNd